View Profile Brandon-Blaylock

8 Game Reviews

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needs sound fx and music. i dont like this, but i can see it being better if you just add sound and music, also please make the controls better maybe useing the mouse or something

a bug i found

no matter which roach you bet on if it wins you gain 5x you bet even if it was 3 to 1 odds, i bet 1 dollar and gained 5 win it won. i dont know about the 50 cent or 25 cent bets.. so it might be in the dollar code. other than that nice work

DoomedChi responds:

thats not a bug its says clearly on the instructions: "every bet pays 5/1", also you can only place 1 bet on 1 roach only
every time u press the 0.25, 0.50, 1.00 bet it cancel the previous bet

A lot better

i like the buttons better than the text boxes. +3 stars
this one actually has music.. yay!! and it kinda goes along with the game +4 stars

the only thing i have a complaint with this time (sorry) is in some of the scenes its hard to read the words because of the background and the color of the text clashing.. but other than that good work.

SgtBigfish responds:

Yeah...I probably should have thought out that whole text thing, but thanks for reviewing!


if this was just a test, then you need to work on it a bit. at times it didnt matter what i typed in it did what ever it wanted to. also it is case sensitive. you should just make the choices buttons instead of text boxes. just my opinion

SgtBigfish responds:

Yeah, I told people in the description...TYPE EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS. And also, it's a TEST. It's not supposed to be great. That's why it's a TEST, just in case it didn't work at all, then I would have spent lots of time on something that doesn't work. Does that make sense to you?


excelent.. i really enjoyed this game.. it had an old school Warcraft feel.. you truely know how to animate and code a game right


i like this game it is a good timekiller.. but could use sound fx and at the very leasty some music options

in response to the e-mail(flash8 update)

it still lags a bit.. but thats prob. my fault... but when i got to wilber fight i couldn't move any more and got the crap beet out of me... that didn't happen before... let me know if this is also my faulty laptop or the knew scripting so i can play it again...(I still gave you a 5, so give me a free sticker cred....)
but i did give you a 5.. which increased the score by 0.000


I didn't get passed the socks.. they were layered over the shoes so you should probably fix that

meh2 responds:


I am the Jechal

The Jechal @Brandon-Blaylock

Age 42, Male




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